Commentary on Sections

Part 2 – Curriculum in Maintained Schools, Maintained Nursery Schools and Funded Non-Maintained Nursery Education

Chapter 4 – Curriculum Implementation: Exceptions
Section 48 – Power to make provision for further exceptions

104.This section enables the Welsh Ministers to make regulations specifying additional cases or circumstances in which some or all of the curriculum implementation duties in sections 27, 28, 29 and 30, or in sections 34, 35 and 36, may be disapplied or modified.

105.Subsection (2) allows the regulations to give a person a discretion to decide whether some or all of the curriculum implementation duties should be disapplied or modified in cases or circumstances specified in the regulations. So the regulations could, for example, allow head teachers to decide whether certain curriculum implementation duties should be disapplied in relation to pupils for whom external provision is commissioned (i.e. provision not provided by the school).