
SCHEDULE 12Restraints on transactions and recruitment etc. by merging councils and restructuring councils

Directions under paragraph 1: supplementary

2(1)This paragraph applies in relation to a direction under paragraph 1.

(2)A person specified in the direction as a person whose opinion or consent is required may be such authority or other person as the Welsh Ministers consider appropriate, and this may include the Welsh Ministers, any transition committee (as to which, see Schedule 11) and any shadow council.

(3)A direction may specify different persons—

(a)in relation to different matters for which an opinion or consent is required;

(b)in relation to different merging councils or restructuring councils.

(4)A direction may specify, in relation to the same restricted activity, different requirements in respect of transactions of different values and in respect of different periods of time.

(5)A direction may specify, in relation to the recruitment of a non-statutory chief officer or deputy chief officer—

(a)different requirements in respect of different levels of proposed remuneration;

(b)different requirements in respect of different descriptions of officer.

(6)An opinion or consent for the purposes of a direction may be given in respect of a particular transaction or transactions of any description.

(7)Any consent for the purposes of a direction may be given unconditionally or subject to conditions.

(8)For the purposes of a direction relating to the recruitment of a non-statutory chief officer or deputy chief officer, an opinion given, or conditions to which a consent is subject, may in particular relate to—

(a)the remuneration to be provided to a recruited person;

(b)the duration of an appointment.

(9)Any enactments relating to acquisitions or disposals, entering into contracts or agreements, giving grants or other financial assistance, making loans, or the recruitment or appointment of persons by merging councils or restructuring councils have effect subject to any direction.

(10)Consent required by a direction is in addition to any consent required by any of those enactments.