
SCHEDULE 1Initial reviews of electoral arrangements etc.

Investigation and interim report

7(1)In conducting an initial review, the Commission must carry out the investigations it considers appropriate.

(2)After carrying out the investigations under sub-paragraph (1), the Commission must make an interim report containing—

(a)its proposals for the electoral arrangements for the area under review and any proposals for relevant consequential changes, and

(b)details of the review it conducted.

(3)The Commission must—

(a)send the report to the Welsh Ministers and the mandatory consultees,

(b)publish the report,

(c)inform any person it considers appropriate of how to access the report,

(d)invite representations on the report, and

(e)notify the Welsh Ministers, the mandatory consultees and any other person it considers appropriate of the period for representations.

(4)Where a principal council is sent a report under sub-paragraph (3)(a), it must—

(a)publish the report,

(b)make the report available for inspection (without charge) at its offices during the period for representations, and

(c)take the steps it considers necessary to make the local government electors in its area aware of—

(i)the report,

(ii)how to access the report, and

(iii)the period for representations.

(5)For the purposes of sub-paragraphs (3) and (4), “the period for representations” is a period of not less than six, nor more than 12, weeks (as determined by the Commission) beginning no earlier than one week after notice of the period is given under sub-paragraph (3)(e).