Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 Explanatory Notes

Section 76 - Economic well-being function

398.This section creates an economic well-being function for corporate joint committees. A corporate joint committee will have this function only if the function is specified in the joint committee regulations which establish the committee (including where the function is added to those regulations by amending regulations made under section 80).

399.Where a corporate joint committee has been granted the economic well-being function it may do anything which it considers is likely to promote or improve the economic well-being of its area. The function may be exercised in relation to or for the benefit of all or any part of its area, or all or any persons resident or present in its area.

400.Where the corporate joint committee considers it is likely to promote or improve the economic well-being of its area, it may also do anything in relation to or for the benefit of any person or area situated outside the corporate joint committee’s area, including areas outside Wales.

401.Subsection (4) enables joint committee regulations made under section 72 or 74, including amendments to those regulations made under section 80(1), and supplementary etc. regulations made under section 83(2) to make the exercise of the economic well-being function subject to prohibitions, restrictions or other limitations.

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