Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 Explanatory Notes

Section 130 – Abolition requests

573.Section 130 enables a principal council to submit a written request (“an abolition request”) to the Welsh Ministers, asking them to consider abolishing the council and its area. The abolition request must spell out the councils reasons for the request and must be published by the council as soon as practicable.

574.Subsection (4) disapplies section 101 of the 1972 Act (by which a principal council may make arrangements for any of its functions to be discharged by a committee, a sub-committee or an officer of the council or by any other principal council) in relation to the function of making an abolition request.

575.Subsection (5) provides that making an abolition request is a function which may not be discharged by the executive of a principal council. Accordingly, an abolition request may only be made by the full council concerned. If the council has a directly elected mayor, the mayor will be entitled to participate and vote in any meeting of the council to approve the abolition request.

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