Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 Explanatory Notes

Paragraph 7 - Investigation and interim report

76.Paragraph 7 requires that, in conducting an initial review, the Boundary Commission must undertake whatever investigations it considers appropriate and prepare an interim report containing its proposals for the electoral arrangements of the area under review. The interim report must also include details of the review which has been conducted.

77.The Boundary Commission must send the report to the Welsh Ministers and mandatory consultees, publish it and tell any person it thinks appropriate how to access the report. The Boundary Commission must also invite representations on the report, notifying the Welsh Ministers, mandatory consultees and any other person it considers appropriate of the period during which representations can be made.

78.The Boundary Commission is required to publish the interim report, send it to certain specified persons and advise persons of how to access the report. There follows a period of 6 to 12 weeks (starting no earlier than 1 week after notice of the period of representations is given) during which representations may be made about the proposals contained in the interim report.

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