Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020

PART 4Ancillary Functions etc.


11(1)The Citizen Voice Body may establish committees and sub-committees.

(2)A committee or sub-committee may include, or be comprised entirely of, persons who are not members of the Body.

(3)The Body may pay expenses and allowances to any person who—

(a)is a member of a committee or sub-committee established under this paragraph, and

(b)is not a member of the Body, or a member of its staff.


12(1)The Citizen Voice Body may arrange for any of its functions to be exercised by any of its —



(c)members, or


(2)An arrangement under sub-paragraph (1) does not affect the Body’s responsibility for exercise of a delegated function, nor affect its ability to exercise a delegated function.

Supplementary powers

13(1)The Citizen Voice Body may do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or which is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of its functions.

(2)But sub-paragraph (1) does not permit the Body to borrow money.