Census Act (Northern Ireland) 1969

4Abstracts of returns and certificates of population.N.I.

(1)The Registrar General shall, as soon as may be after the taking of a census, prepare abstracts of and reports on the census returns, and each such report shall be printed and laid before both Houses of Parliament at as early a date as may be found practicable.

(2)The Registrar General may, at the request of any local authority or any person and on payment of such fee, if any, as he may determine, cause abstracts to be prepared containing statistical information which can be derived from the census returns but is not supplied by the census abstracts or reports and which, in his opinion, the authority or person may reasonably require.

(3)A certificate purporting to be signed by the Registrar General shall be admitted in any court of law as evidence of the population at a census taken under this Act or any Act passed before the passing of this Act of any county, county or other borough, town, district or other area to which it refers, and the Registrar General shall, if possible, deliver such certificate to any person on payment of a fee of one pound.