New Towns Act (Northern Ireland) 1965

Admissibility in evidence of booksN.I.

10(1)All books and other documents directed or authorised by or under any transferred provision to be kept by the transferor and which, immediately before the date of transfer, would be receivable in evidence shall, notwithstanding the dissolution of the transferor, be admitted in evidence after the date of transfer as fully as if the order had not been made.N.I.

(2)Whenever an extract from or certificate of the contents of any book or other document directed or authorised by or under any transferred provision to be kept by the transferor would, if verified in a particular manner by a particular officer of the transferor, have been admissible immediately before the date of transfer as evidence of such contents, an extract from or certificate of the contents of such book or document shall, if verified in such particular manner by the officer of the transferee corresponding to such particular officer, be admitted, after the date of transfer, as evidence of such contents to the same extent as such first-mentioned extract or certificate would have been so admitted if the order had not been made.