Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954


47Citation of statutory provisions, etc.N.I.

(1)Any Act passed after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and forty-three, may be cited by reference to the calendar year in which it was passed and its chapter in that year.

(2)Without prejudice to sub-section (1), any statutory provision may be cited in any manner in which it could have been cited before the commencement of this Act.

(3)A reference in an enactment to a statutory provision shall be construed as referring, in relation to statutes included in any revised edition of the statutes purporting to be printed by authority, to that edition, and in relation to statutes not so included, and passed before the reign of King George the First, to the edition prepared under the direction of the Record Commission, and, in relation to other statutes, to copies of the statutes purporting to be printed under the superintendence or authority of Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

(4)In an enactment every description of or citation from any statutory provision or from any document shall be construed as including the word, sub-section, section, or other portion mentioned or referred to as forming the beginning or as forming the end of the portion comprised in the description or citation or as being the point from which or to which such portion extends.