xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Licensing of slaughter-houses.

  3. 2.Register of licensed slaughter-houses.

  4. 3.Revocation and suspension of licences.

  5. 4.Appeals.

  6. 5.Records and returns.

  7. [5A.Duty to slaughter animals in slaughter-houses at request of retailers of meat.

  8. 6.Enforcement.

  9. 7.Abolition of certain functions of local authorities.

  10. 8.Power of Ministry to provide slaughter-house facilities.

  11. S. 9 amends s. 9 of 1932 c. 9 (NI)...

  12. 10.Expenses.

  13. 11.Regulations.

  14. 12.Interpretation.

  15. 13.Short title and citation.



      Section 8(2). PART I Procedure under section 8(2) (1) The local authority, if they object...

      1. PART I Procedure under section 8(2)

        1. 1.The local authority, if they object to the Ministry's proposal, may within one month of...

        2. 2.The Ministry within one month of the service of the notice of objection may serve...

        3. 3.The local authority within one month of the service of the last mentioned notice may...

        4. 4.Where the local authority duly serve a notice under the last preceding paragraph and after...

        5. 5.The local authority within fourteen days of the service of the last mentioned notice on...

        6. 6.If— (a) the local authority do not dispute the Ministry's opinion as aforesaid; or (b)...

        7. 7.Where an order is made under the last preceding paragraph the Ministry— (a) may proceed...

        8. 8.All notices given under the foregoing provisions of this Part shall be in writing and...

      2. PART II Provisions as to Inquiries

        1. 1.The Ministry shall appoint a person to hold the inquiry and report thereon to the...

        2. 2.The Ministry may appoint one or more than one person possessing such legal, medical or...

        3. 3.The Ministry shall, not less than fourteen days before the holding of the inquiry, give...

        4. 4.The inspector may by notice require any person— (a) to attend at the time and...

        5. 5.The inspector may administer oaths and examine witnesses on oath and may accept in lieu...

        6. 6.Any person who refuses or wilfully neglects to attend in obedience to a notice under...

        7. 7.The expenses incurred by the Ministry in relation to any inquiry held under this Act...

        8. 8.Any order by the Ministry under the last preceding paragraph may on the application of...

    2. Second Schedule - Amendments