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X Disturbing Congregations so assembled. Sureties for Appearance at Sessions. Penalty £100.E+W+S

And if any Person or Persons at any Time after the Twenty fifth Day of March next to come shall willingly and of Purpose maliciously or contemptuously come into any Congregation or Assembly of religious Worship permitted by this Act and disquiet or disturb the same or give any Disturbance to the said Congregation at the Doors or Windows or misuse any Minister or Pastor of such Congregation such Person or Persons upon Proof thereof before Two Justices of the Peace by Two or more sufficient Witnesses shall find Two Sureties to be bound by Recognizance in the penal Sum of Fifty Pounds Sterling for his or their Appearance at the next General or Quarter Sessions or before the Court of Justiciary or other Judge or Judges competent and in default of such Sureties shall be committed to Prison and upon Conviction of the said Offence at the said General or Quarter Sessions or before the said Court of Justiciary or other Judge or Judges competent shall forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling one Moiety thereof to the Informer the other to be disposed of for the Use of the Poor of the Parish where such Offence shall be committed