Lawburrows Act 1581

Oure souerane lord with aduise of his thre estatis in this present parliament Ordanis that all letteris of lawborrowis salbe direct in tyme cuming at the instance of the pairteis complenand chargeing the personis complenit vpoun to find sicker souertie and lawborrowis that the complenaris thair wyffis bairnis tenentis and seruandis salbe harmeles and skaithles in thair bodeis landis takkis possessionis guidis and geir and on na wayis to be molestit or trublit thairin be the personis complenit vpoun nor na vtheris of thair causing sending hunding out resetting command assistance and ratihabitioun quhome thai may stop or let direclie or Indireclie vthirwayis nor be the ordoure of law and iustice vnder greit panes to be modifeit be the . . . F1 ordinar Judges Be quhome in caise the said lawborrowis salbe dewlie tryit to be brokin the ane half of the pane sall pertene to oure souerane lord and the vthir half to the pairte grevit according to the effect and meaning of the said act maid to that effect of befoir

Textual Amendments