To quhome Sacramentis apperteineS

WE confess and acknawlege that Baptisme appertenis asweill to the infantis of the faithfull as vnto thame that be of aige and discretioun And sa we dampne the errour of the Anabaptistis quha denyis Baptisme to appertene to children befoir that thay haue faith and vnderstanding Bot the supper of the Lord we confess to appertene to sic onlie as be of the houshald of faith and can try and examyn thame selfis alsweill in thair faith as in thair dewitie towardis thair nichtbouris Sic as eit and drink at that haly table without fayth or being at discention and divisioun with thair brethren do eit vnworthely And thairfoir it is that in our kirk our Ministeris tak publict and particulare examinatioun of the knawledge and conuersatioun of sic as ar to be admittit to the table of the Lord Jesus