Quhat warkis ar reputit gude befoir God

WE confess and acknawlege that god hes geuin to man his haly law in quhilk not onlie ar forbiddin all sic warkis as displeise and offend his godlie maiestie bot alswa ar commandit all sic as pleise him and as he hes promysit to rewaird And thir warkis be of twa sortis The ane ar done to the honour of god the vther to the profite of our nychtbouris and baith haue the reueillit will of God for thair assurance To haue ane God to wirschip and honour him to call vpon him in all our troublis reuerence his haly name to heir his word to beleif the same to communicate with his haly sacramentis ar the warkis of the first tabill To honour father mother princes rewlaris and superiour powaris to luif thame to supporte thame ye to obey thair chargeis (not repugning to the commandement of God) to saif the liues of innocentis to repress tyrannie to defend the oppressit to keip our bodyis cleine and haly to liue in soberness and temperance to deall Justlie with all men baith in worde and deid and fynallie to repress all appetyte of our nychtbouris hurt ar the gude warkis of the secund tabill quhilk ar maist plesing and acceptabill vnto god as thir warkis that ar commandit be him self The contrarie quhairof is syne maist odious quhilk alwayis displesis him and prouokis him to anger As not to call vpon him allaine quhan we haue neid not till heir his word with reuerence to contempne and despyse it to haue or to wirschip Idolis to manteine and defend Idolatrie lychtlie to esteime the reuerent name of god to prophaine abuse or contempne the sacramentis of Christ Jesus to disobey or resist ony that god hes placit in authoritie (quhill thay pas not ouer the boundis of thair office) to murther or to consent thairto to beir hatrent or to suffer innocent blude to be sched gif we may withstand it And fynallie the transgressioun of ony vther commandement in the first or secund tabill we confess and affirme to be syne by the quhilk goddis hait displesoure is kendlit aganis the proude and vnthankfull warld Sa that gude warkis we affirme to be thir onlie that ar done in faith and at goddis commandement quha in his law hes expressit quhat the thingis be that pleise him And euill warkis we affirme not onlie thir that ar expressitlie done aganis goddis commandement bot thir alswa that in materis of Religioun and wirschipping of God hes na vther assurance bot the inuentioun and opinioun of man quhilk god fra the beginning hes euer reiectit as be the propheit Esay and be our maister Christ Jesus we ar taucht in thir wordis In vaine do thay wirschip me teicheing the doctrinis the preceptis of men