xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
  1. Introductory Text

  2. Mathej 24.—And this glaid tydingis of the kingdome salbe preichit...

  3. THE estaitis of scotland with the Inhabitantis of the samyn...

  4. LANG HAVE WE thristit deir brethren to haue notifeit vnto...

  5. Of God

    1. WE confess and acknawlege ane onlie god to quham onlie...

  6. Off the creatioun of man

    1. WE confess and acknawlege this our god to haue creatit...

  7. Of originall Syn

    1. BE quhilk transgressioun commounlie callit originall sin was the Image...

  8. Of the revelatioun of the promeis

    1. FOR this we constantlie beleif that God efter the feirfull...

  9. The continwance increas and preservatioun of the Kirk

    1. WE maist constantlie beleif that God preseruit instructit multipleit honorit...

  10. Off the incarnatioun of Chryst Jesus

    1. QUIHAN the fulness of tyme came God send his Sone...

  11. Quhy it behovit the mediator to be verray God and verray man

    1. WE acknawlege and confess that this maist wonderous coniunctioun betuix...

  12. Electioun

    1. FOR that samyn eternall God and father quha of meir...

  13. Chrystis deith passioun buriall &c

    1. THAT our Lord Jesus chryst offerit him self ane voluntarie...

  14. Resurrectioun

    1. WE vndoutitlie beleif that in sa mekill as it was...

  15. Ascensioun

    1. WE nathing dowt bot that the selff samyn body quhilk...

  16. Faith in the haly Gaist

    1. THIS our faith and the assurance of the same procedis...

  17. The cause of gude warkis

    1. SA that the cause of gude warkis we confess to...

  18. Quhat warkis ar reputit gude befoir God

    1. WE confess and acknawlege that god hes geuin to man...

  19. The perfectioun of the Law and imperfectioun of man

    1. THE Law of God we confess and acknawlege maist Just...

  20. Of the Kirk

    1. AS we beleif in ane god father sone and haly...

  21. The immortalitie of the saulis

    1. THE elect departit ar in peice and rest fra thair...

  22. Of the notis by the quhilk the trew Kirk is decernit fra the fals and quha salbe iuge of the doctrine

    1. BECAUSE that Sathan fra the beginning hes laubourit to deck...

  23. The authoritie of the Scripturis

    1. AS we beleue and confess the scripturis of god sufficient...

  24. Of Generall counsellis of thair power authoritie and cause of thair conuentioun

    1. AS we do not raschely dampne that quhilk godlie men...

  25. Of the sacramentis

    1. AS the fatheris vnder the law besydis the veritie of...

  26. Of the rycht administratioun of the Sarcamentis

    1. THAT Sacramentis be rychtlie ministrat we Juge twa thingis requysite...

  27. To quhome Sacramentis apperteine

    1. WE confess and acknawlege that Baptisme appertenis asweill to the...

  28. Of the ciuile Magistrat

    1. WE confess and acknawlege Empyris Kingdomis dominiounis and citeis to...

  29. The giftis frelie geuin to the Kirk

    1. ALBEIT that the worde of god trewlie preicheit and the...

    2. ARYSE o Lord and lat thy enemeis be confoundit lat...

    3. THIR ACTIS and articklis ar red in the face of...