Explanatory Notes

Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Act 2019


15 May 2019

Commentary on Sections

Part 4: Enforcement

Section 12 - Offence of providing false or misleading information in relation to a notice under section 10

61.By virtue of subsection (1), a person given a notice under section 10 who supplies false or misleading information in response to the notice, and who either knows that it is false or misleading or is reckless as to whether it is false or misleading, commits an offence.

62.Subsection (2) provides that an offence will also be committed where a person supplies any false or misleading information to another person, either knowing that the information is false or misleading, or being reckless as to whether it is false or misleading, and knowing also that another person is going to provide the information in reply to a section 10 notice.

63.On conviction of an offence under this section, a person is liable to a fine, again not subject to any maximum level on the standard scale. The provision for such a fine reflects the fact there has been deliberate or reckless attempt to deceive or mislead by those involved in an offence under this section.