Notification by registered social landlord of constitutional changes, etc.
Section 5 - Directions about notifications to be given to Welsh Ministers
35.Section 5 adds a further paragraph 13A to Schedule 1.
36.Under sections 3 and 4 of the Act, duties are inserted into Schedule 1 of the 1996 Act requiring RSLs to notify the Welsh Ministers of specific changes. This additional paragraph 13A allows the Welsh Ministers to issue directions specifying how they will be notified, what a notification will contain and to set a deadline for notifications. It also enables them to vary these requirements according to circumstances. A direction can apply to all or specific RSLs or RSLs of a specific description and may apply to all notifications, notifications of a certain description or in particular circumstances.
37.A direction can also dispense with a requirement to notify the Welsh Ministers and may vary or revoke a previous direction.
38.An RSL must comply with a direction which applies to it.