Section 48 - Duty to admit children to named maintained schools
121.Section 48 places a duty on governing bodies of maintained schools in Wales to admit children where that school is named for the purpose of admission by a local authority in an IDP. This is similar to the position under the 1996 Act in relation to the naming of a school in a statement of ALN. However, this section limits the circumstances in which schools may be named to those where the local authority is satisfied that the child’s interest requires the ALP to be made at that school, and it is appropriate for the child to be provided with education or training there. Before naming a school under this section, the local authority must consult the governing body of the school, and in the case of a maintained school where neither the local authority nor its governing body is the admissions authority for the school (as defined by section 88 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998), the local authority for the area in which the school is located.
122.Where a maintained school is named under this section, the governing body must admit the child even if this would result in any limit on the size of an infant class being exceeded (see subsection (5)). The duty in this section to admit a child does not affect any power to exclude that child from the school (subsection (6)).