Section 80 - Completion certificate
163.If a local authority is satisfied that the steps specified in a remedial action notice it has issued under section 78 or 79 have been taken, it must provide the person with a certificate (a “completion certificate”) discharging the notice. This ensures that both the person who was subject to the notice and the local authority are aware that the remedial action notice has been complied with, and have a record of the steps which have been taken. The local authority must also take reasonable steps to bring the completion certificate or notice to the attention of anyone it thinks is likely to be affected.
164.The section also provides that a person subject to the notice may apply to the local authority for a completion certificate at any time. The process and the information required for this will be specified by the local authority. If the local authority refuses the application, it must give notice of this to the person. In addition, the reasons for the refusal and information about the appeals process (see section 81) must be provided to the person.