Sections 40-42 – Tax returns
46.Section 40 gives the definition of “the filing date” as being the date by which a tax return for a devolved tax is due. Legislation about the particular devolved taxes will make provision about what that date is in particular circumstances. Section 41 provides for a person who has made a tax return to be able to amend it and sets out how and when this can be done. A person making an amendment must do so within 12 months of the filing date or by any other date that Welsh Ministers have prescribed by regulations. An amendment cannot be made in the circumstances where a notice to amend a tax return has been issued by the WRA during an enquiry into the tax return (section 45(3)) or a closure notice has been issued following the completion of an enquiry (section 50).
47.Section 42 permits the WRA to correct a tax return that has obvious errors or omissions by giving notice to the taxpayer. An obvious error might be something like an arithmetical mistake where the figures used for the calculation are nevertheless correct. A correction must be made by WRA within 9 months from the date the tax return was made. The taxpayer may reject the correction by amending the tax return or by giving notice rejecting the correction, provided it is done within 3 months of the WRA notice of correction.