

State of natural resources report

8Duty to prepare and publish state of natural resources report

(1)NRW must prepare and publish reports in accordance with this section containing its assessment of the state of natural resources in relation to Wales.

(2)Each report must, among other things, set out—

(a)NRW’s assessment of the extent to which sustainable management of natural resources is being achieved;

(b)NRW’s assessment of biodiversity (including the living organisms and types of habitat included in any list published under section 7);

(c)what NRW considers to be the main trends and factors that are affecting, and are likely to affect, the state of natural resources;

(d)any aspects of the state of natural resources about which NRW considers that it does not have sufficient information to make an assessment.

(3)NRW must publish its first report before the end of four months starting with the day this section comes into force.

(4)Subsequently, NRW must publish a report before the end of the calendar year preceding a year in which an ordinary general election is due to be held.

(5)NRW must publish a draft of each report required by subsection (4) before the end of the calendar year preceding the year in which the report must be published.

(6)In this section, “ordinary general election” means the poll held at an ordinary general election under section 3 of the Government of Wales Act 2006 (c. 32).