Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016

253Index of terms

This section has no associated Explanatory Notes

The following table contains an index of terms used in this Act (other than in sections or paragraphs where the term used is defined or explained in that section or paragraph)—

additional terms (of an occupation contract) (“telerau ychwanegol (contract meddiannaeth)”)section 28
anti-social behaviour (“ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol”)section 55
appointed day (“diwrnod penodedig”)section 242
assured shorthold tenancy (“tenantiaeth fyrddaliol sicr”)section 242
assured tenancy (“tenantiaeth sicr”)section 242
authorised deposit scheme (“cynllun blaendal awdurdodedig”)section 47
common parts (“rhannau cyffredin”)section 252
community landlord (“landlord cymunedol”)section 9
contract-holder (“deiliad contract”)section 7 (see also section 48)
contract-holder’s break clause (“cymal terfynu deiliad contract”)section 189
contract of employment (“contract cyflogaeth”)section 252
Convention rights (“hawliau Confensiwn”)section 252
co-operative housing association (“cymdeithas dai gydweithredol”)section 9
court (“llys”)section 248
demoted tenancy (“tenantiaeth isradd”)section 242
deposit (“blaendal”)section 47
dwelling (“annedd”)section 246
enactment (“deddfiad”)section 252
estate management grounds (“seiliau rheoli ystad”)section 160 and Schedule 8
family property order (“gorchymyn eiddo teuluol”)section 251
fixed term contract (“contract cyfnod penodol”)section 252
fully mutual housing association (“cymdeithas dai gwbl gydfuddiannol”)section 9
fundamental provision (“darpariaeth sylfaenol”)section 18 (see also section 19)
fundamental term (“teler sylfaenol”)section 19
head landlord (“prif landlord”)section 59
housing action trust (“ymddiriedolaeth gweithredu tai”)section 243
housing association (“cymdeithas dai”)section 252
housing trust (“ymddiriedolaeth dai”)section 252
initial requirements (in relation to an authorised deposit scheme) (“gofynion cychwynnol (o ran cynllun blaendal awdurdodedig)”)section 47
introduction date (“dyddiad cyflwyno”)paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 4
introductory period (“cyfnod rhagarweiniol”)paragraph 1 of Schedule 4
introductory standard contract (“contract safonol rhagarweiniol”)section 16
introductory tenancy (“tenantiaeth ragarweiniol”)section 242
key matter (in relation to an occupation contract) (“mater allweddol (o ran contract meddiannaeth)”)sections 26 and 27
landlord (“landlord”)section 244 (see also section 53)
landlord’s break clause (“cymal terfynu’r landlord”)section 194
lease (“les”)section 249
local authority (“awdurdod lleol”)section 243
local housing authority (other than in paragraph 12 of Schedule 2) (“awdurdod tai lleol”)section 243
lodger (“lletywr”)section 244
member of a family (“aelod o deulu”)section 250
new town corporation (“corfforaeth tref newydd”)section 243
occupation contract (“contract meddiannaeth”)section 7
occupation date (“dyddiad meddiannu”)section 245
permitted occupier (“meddiannydd a ganiateir”)section 244
possession claim (”hawliad meddiant”)section 149
possession notice (“hysbysiad adennill meddiant”)section 150
prescribed (“rhagnodedig”)section 252
priority successor (in relation to an occupation contract) (“olynydd â blaenoriaeth (o ran contract meddiannaeth)”)section 83
priority successor (of a contract-holder) (“olynydd â blaenoriaeth (i ddeiliad contract)”)section 75
private landlord (“landlord preifat”)section 10
private registered provider of social housing (“darparwr tai cymdeithasol preifat cofrestredig”)section 9
probation period (“cyfnod prawf”)paragraph 3 of Schedule 7
prohibited conduct (“ymddygiad gwaharddedig”)section 55
prohibited conduct standard contract (“contract safonol ymddygiad gwaharddedig”)section 116
protected shorthold tenancy (“tenantiaeth fyrddaliol warchodedig”)section 242
protected tenancy (“tenantiaeth warchodedig”)section 242
registered charity (“elusen gofrestredig”)section 252
registered social landlord (“landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig”)section 9
rent (“rhent”)section 252
rental period (“cyfnod rhentu”)section 252
reserve successor (in relation to an occupation contract) (“olynydd wrth gefn (o ran contract meddiannaeth)”)section 83
reserve successor (of a contract-holder) (“olynydd wrth gefn (i ddeiliad contract)”)sections 76 and 77
restricted contract (“contract cyfyngedig”)section 242
secure contract (“contract diogel”)section 8
secure tenancy (“tenantiaeth ddiogel”)section 242
security (“sicrwydd”)section 47
service installation (“gosodiad gwasanaeth”)section 92
standard contract (“contract safonol”)section 8
statutory tenancy (“tenantiaeth statudol”)section 242
sub-holder (“isddeiliad”)section 59
sub-occupation contract (“contract isfeddiannaeth”)section 59
supplementary provision (other than in sections 255 and 256) (“darpariaeth atodol”)section 23
supplementary term (“teler atodol”)section 23
supported accommodation (“llety â chymorth”)section 143
supported standard contract (“contract safonol â chymorth”)section 143
tenancy (“tenantiaeth”)section 249
urban development corporation (“corfforaeth datblygu trefol”)section 243
variation (“amrywiad”)section 247