Section 35 - Failure to provide statement: compensation
141.This section provides for compensation to be payable by the landlord to the contract-holder where the landlord has failed to provide a written statement of the contract, unless the failure is attributable to the contract-holder. The time period within which a written statement must be given to the contract-holder will be set out in any term of the contract that incorporates section 31.
142.The compensation is payable in accordance with section 87 and is equivalent to a day’s rent for each day that the written statement is not provided, up to a maximum of two month’s rent, until the statement has been provided. Interest will be added to the compensation amount if the landlord fails to provide the statement within the two month period. If the contract-holder believes the failure to provide the written statement was intentional, section 87 also enables the contract-holder to apply to the court for the compensation amount to be increased. Section 87 enables the court to increase the amount of compensation up to a maximum of double the original amount. Section 88 enables the contract-holder to set off any compensation he or she is owed against rent.