Section 234 – Consultation arrangements and Section 235 - Statement of consultation arrangements
496.Under section 234, community landlords must have arrangements in place for informing contract-holders about certain ‘relevant proposals on housing management matters’, and giving them an opportunity to comment. What constitutes such a proposal is set out in subsection (4); and subsection (5) means that the requirement to consult does not relate to proposed changes to rent or consideration, or to facilities or service charges.
497.These requirements also do not apply where the requirement to consult under paragraph 12(7) of Schedule 2, which concerns redevelopment schemes and the estate management grounds, applies.
498.Under section 235, each community landlord must publish a statement on the arrangements it has made in order to meet the requirements in section 234(1), together with a summary, both of which must be available on request to contract-holders and to members of the public. Registered social landlords and private registered providers of social housing must send copies of the statement to the Welsh Ministers and the local housing authority for the area in which the dwellings in question are situated.