Section 39 – Temporary extension of functions of Panel relating to heads of paid service to chief officers
76.Section 39 extends the application of Section 143A of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, which applies in relation to the salaries of heads of paid service, to cover all chief officers of all principal local authorities in Wales until 31 March 2020.
77.Thus, the Independent Remuneration Panel will be able to make recommendations in relation to any policy, outlined in an authority’s pay policy statement, relating to the salary of an authority’s chief officer and any proposed change to the salary of a chief officer; and the authority must have regard to any such recommendation from the Panel. In addition, a local authority will be required to consult the Panel about any proposed change to the salary of a chief officer which is not commensurate with a change to the salaries of the authority’s other staff. The authority must have regard to any recommendation received from the Panel when deciding whether or not to proceed with the change. The section also addresses the Welsh Ministers’ power to issue guidance to the Panel in respect of exercising its extended functions, and the Panel is required to have regard to any such guidance.