Section 103 – Duty to meet assessed needs
195.The duty in this section applies to a local housing authority only if the authority’s assessment of accommodation needs is approved by the Welsh Ministers under section 102, and identifies unmet need in the authority’s area in respect of sites on which Gypsies and Travellers may station mobile homes.
196.“Unmet need” in this context could be the absence of sites altogether or inadequate existing provision.
197.If the duty applies, a local housing authority is required to exercise its power to provide sites for mobile homes in section 56 of the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013 so far as necessary to meet the identified need. But a local housing authority is not required to provide, in or in connection with any sites, working space and facilities for activities that Gypsies and Travellers normally carry out.
198.The duty to meet need under this section relates only to the provision of sites on which mobile homes may be stationed. However, any information collected as part of an assessment conducted under section 101 which relates to other accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers should inform a local housing authority’s periodical reviews of the wider housing needs of its area under section 8 of the Housing Act 1985.