Section 193 – Recovery of costs between local authorities
500.Section 193 brings together the arrangements for the recovery of costs between local authorities which are currently found in section 32 of the National Assistance Act 1948 (in relation to adults) and section 29 of the Children Act 1989 (in relation to children).
501.It sets out the circumstances in which a local authority providing care and support to a person who is not ordinarily resident in its area is able to recover the costs of doing so from the local authority in which the person is ordinarily resident.
502.The section sets out the circumstances in which a local authority can recover expenses incurred in complying with a request for its cooperation or for information made under section 164.
503.The section also sets out the circumstances in which a local authority which is providing accommodation for a child who is ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority is entitled to recover the costs from that other local authority.