Section 63 – Functions relating to salaries of heads of paid service
82.Section 63 amends the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 by inserting a new section 143A. It provides the Independent Remuneration Panel with powers in relation to the salaries of the heads of paid service in principal councils and fire and rescue authorities (defined in the section as “qualifying relevant authorities”). The Panel will be able to make recommendations to an authority about that authority’s policies in relation to the salary paid to its head of paid service as well as any proposed change to that salary. In circumstances where an authority proposes a change to the salary of its head of paid service that isn’t commensurate with a change to the salaries of its other staff, that authority will have to consult the Panel about the proposal before making the change. Any relevant recommendations made by the Panel may be published by it and should be taken into account by an authority when it makes decisions in connection with the salary of its head of paid service. The Welsh Ministers may produce guidance regarding the exercise of its functions under this section to which the Panel must have regard when exercising those functions.