Explanatory Notes

Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013


30 July 2013

Commentary on Sections

Part 2 - Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales

Sections 12 to 14 – Powers; Delegation; Directions

12.The Commission has the power to do anything which will facilitate or is conducive or incidental to the exercise of the Commission’s functions.  Section 12 makes clear however that the Commission is not allowed to borrow money, acquire land or property (except with Ministerial consent) or form or promote companies.

13.Section 13 provides that the Commission may delegate its functions relating to reviews of local government areas or arrangements or conducting local inquiries to individual members or assistant commissioners, without negating the Commission’s overall responsibility for the performance of these delegated functions.

14.Section 14 provides the Welsh Ministers with a general power of direction of the Commission. The Commission must comply with any direction given by the Welsh Ministers and the Welsh Ministers may vary or revoke a direction by issuing a subsequent direction.