The Act 5 Ric. 2 Stat. 2 1382

Legislation Crest

The Act 5 Ric. 2 Stat. 2 1382

1382 CHAPTER 4 5 Ric 2


X1Made in the Parliament holden at Westminster, on the Morrow of Saint John Port-Latin; In the Fifth Year.

Editorial Information

X1The original text of this Act was not modern English. The traditional translation appears first with obsolete characters modernised. The original text (as an image) appears second.

Statute the Second.

IV Every one shall obey his Summons to Parliament.E+W

Item, The King doth will and command, and it is assented in the Parliament by the Prelates, Lords, and Commons, That all and singular Persons and Commonalties which from henceforth shall have the Summons of the Parliament, shall come from henceforth to the Parliaments, in the Manner as they are bound to do, and [X2have] been accustomed within the Realm of England of old Times. And if any Person of the same Realm, which from henceforth shall have the said Summons, be he Archbishop, Bishop, Abbot, Prior, Duke, Earl, Baron, Banneret, Knight of the Shire, Citizen of City, Burgess of Borough, or other singular Person or Commonalty, do absent himself, and come not at the said Summons, except he may reasonably and honestly excuse him to our Lord the King, he shall be amerced, and otherwise punished, according as of old Times hath been used to be done within the said Realm in the said Case . . . F1

Editorial Information

X2Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: hath

Textual Amendments