[I.] Where Possessors of Lands granted by the Crown have made Default in Payment of Rent or Services, afterwards answered to the Crown before any Proceeding for Forfeiture, no Advantage thereof shall be taken for the Crown.E+W

That if any person or persons Bodies pollitique or corporate, having holding or possessing or which hereafter shall have hold or possesse any Mannors Landes Tenemente or Hereditamente by vertue or colour of any originall Graunte or Lease or Assignement of the same made by the Kinge Majesite, or any of his Predecessors, or to be made by any of his Successors for any nomber of yeares, for Life or Lives in Fee tayle or Fee simple, or other Estate whereuppon any Rent Service or other Dutie hath been is or shalbe reserved or payable with or under any Condicion or Limitacion of Reentry Cesser or to be void for default of payment of such Rent or performance of such Service or Dutie heretofore hath made, or any other by from or under whome he claymeth, hath made, or any which hereafter shall have hold or pvossesse shall make any default therein, and yet after such default made such Rent Service or other Dutie hath been or shalbe aunswered paid or done unto his Majestie or any of his Predecessors or Successors into his or their Receipt of the Exchequer or Duchie of Lancaster . . . F1, or to any other having Authoritie to receive the same as the Case shall require, before any Advantage of such Forfeiture or cause of Forfeiture hath been or shalbe taken, and [X1and] before any Commission awarded to enquire, or other process issued touching the said Forfeiture or Nonpayment of Rent, that in all such Cases no Advantage shalbe taken by his Majestie his Heires or Successors of for or by reason of any such Forfeiture or cause of Forfeiture.

Editorial Information

X1Note in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: An erroneous Repetition on the Roll.—O. omits. [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge]

Textual Amendments