Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533

XVIII Exception for Monasteries, &c. privileged.E+W

Provyded always that in suche Monasteries Abbeys Priories and Houses exempte where after eleccion presentacion or nomynacion of theire heds no suche confirmacion is requysite to be had, nor hath byn used to be taken by reason of suche privileges as they have concernyng the same, that in every such Monasteries Abbes Priories and Places exempt they shall not be bounden to obteyne have or take any confirmacion for the same within this Realme by auctoritie of this acte, but use theire privileges therin as they have don before the makyng of this acte, any thyng in this acte or any the provysions nexte above rehersed to the contrarie therof not withstondyng.