VIII Application of the Taxes to be paid for Licences, &c.: If amounting to Four Pounds: If under £4. and not under 40s. If under 40s. and not under 26s. 8d. If under 26s. 8d. and not under 20s. If under 20s.E+W

The taxe or somme appoynted to be payd for every suche dispensacion licence facultie instrument rescripte, or other wrytyng to be graunted by auctoritie of this acte, shalbe employed & ordered as here after ensuyth that is to sey; If the taxe extende to foure poundes or above by reason wherof the dispensacion licence facultie rescripte or wrytyng whiche shall passe by the seid Archebisshoppes seale muste be confirmed by thappencion of the greate seale, then the seid taxe so extendyng to£4. [X1or] above shalbe devyded into three partes wherof two shall be perceyved by the seid Clerke of the Chauncerie to be appoynted as is afore seid to the use of your Highnes your heires and successours and to the use of the Lorde Chauncelour or the keper of the greate seale for the tyme being and to the use of the seid Clerke, in suche wyse as here after shalbe declared and [X2that] the thride parte shalbe taken by the seid Clerke of the Archebisshopee to the use of the same Archebishope and hys Commissarye and hys seid Clerke and Regester in suche wyse as here after shalbe ordered and lymytted by this acte; (that is to sey) the seid two partes shalbe devyded in foure partes of which thre partes shalbe taken to the only use of your Highnes your heires and successours, and the fourthe parte shalbe devyded in thre partes wherof the Chaunceler of Englond or Lorde Keper of the great Seale for the tyme being shall have two partes and the (X3) Clerke of the Chauncerie the thride parte for hys paynes travayle and labours that he is lymytted to [X4wrytt] and do by vertue of this acte, And the seid thride parte of the hole taxe appointed to the seid Archebishope and hys officers (as is aforeseid) shalbe devyded into thre partes, wherof the Archebishopp shall have to hys use two partes and hys officers shall have the thride parte therof, of whiche thride parte to be devyded in two partes, the seid Clerke or Regester whiche shall fynde parchement waxe and sylke and shall devyse and [X5wrytt] the seid dispensacions licences faculties rescriptes or other wrytynges and regester the same, shall have for hys seid labour and for receyvyng and repaying of the sommes of money that shall come to his handes for dispensacions faculties licences and other rescriptes aforseid the one moytie therof, and the Commyssary of the seid Archebisshope appointid to seale the seid dispensacions faculties licences and other rescriptes shall have the other partie: And yf the taxe be under £4 and not under xl s. then the seid taxe shalbe devyded into thre partes as is aforseid wherof the Kynges Highnes hys heires and successours shall have two partes therof abatyng iij s. iiij d. [X6shiche] shalbe to the seid Clerke of the Chauncerie for subscribyng entytlyng and enrollyng the seid dispensacions licences faculties rescriptes and other wrytyngs aforseid and receyvyng of the Kynges money soo taxed, and the Archebishoppe and hys officers shall have the thride parte, whiche thride parte shalbe devyded into two partes, wherof the Archebisshope shall have the one entyerly to hym self, hys scribe and commyssary shall have the other parte therof egally to be devyded amonges theym for theire costes and paynes in that behalf: And yf the taxe be under xl s. and not under xxvj s. viij d. the same taxe shalbe devyded into two partes wherof the one parte shalbe to your Grace your heires and successours deductyng therof ij s. for the Clerke of the Chauncerie for hys paynes as is aforseid, and the other parte shalbe to the seid Archebisshope and hys officers, which other parte shalbe devyded into two partes wherof the Archebishope shall have the one and hys Commissarie and scribe shall have the other egallye devyded amonges theym: And yf the taxe be under xxvj s. viij d. and not under xx s. the same shalbe devyded in two partes wherof your Grace your heires and successours shall have the one parte entyerlie abatyng ij s. therof to the seid Clerke of the Chauncerie, and the Archebisshope and hys offycers shall have the other parte, and the same other parte shalbe devyded into thre partes wherof the Archebisshope shall have one, hys Commissarye the seconde, and hys scribe or regester the thride: And in case the tax be under xx s. the same shalbe perceyved to the use of the seid commissarye clerke of the seid Archebisshope and Clerke of the Chauncerie to be egally devyded amongest theym for theire paynes and labours by theym to be susteyned by auctoritie of this Acte as aforseid.

Editorial Information

X1Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: and nu. 28 [nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X2Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: O. & nu. 28 omit [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X3Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: said O. & nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X4Variant readings of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: wryte O.— wright nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X5Variant readings of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: wryte O.— writte nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X6Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: whiche O. & nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]