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III Dispensations may be granted by the said Archbishop in all Cases usually heretofore granted at Rome; but in unusual Cases not without the Assent of the King and Council.E+W

The seid Archebishope and hys successours, after good and (X1) examynacion by theym had of the causes and qualities of the persons procuryng for licences dispensacions composicions faculties delegacies rescriptes instrumentes or other wrytynges, shall have full power and auctoritie by theym selff or by theire sufficient and substanciall commissarye or deputye by theire discreacions, frome tyme to tyme to graunte and dispose by an instrument under the name and seale of the seid Archebisshope, as well to any of your subjectes as to the Subjectes of your heires and successours, all maner licences dispensacions faculties composicions delegacies rescriptes instrumentes or other wrytynges for any suche cause or matier wherof heretofore suche licences dispensacions composicions faculties delegacies rescriptes instrumentes or wrytynges have byn accustomed to be had, at the See of Rome or by auctorytie therof or of any prelate of this Realme: And that the seid Archebishope and hys commissarie shall not graunt any other licence dispensacion composicion facultie wrytyng or instrument, in causes unwonte and not accustomed to be had or obteyned at the Court of Rome nor by auctoritie therof nor by any prelate of this Realme, untyll your Grace your heires or successours or your or theire counsale shall fyrst be advertised therof, and determyne whether suche licences dispensacions composicions faculties or other wrytynges, in suche causes unwonte and not accustomed to be dispensed withall or obteyned, shall commenly passe as other dispensacions faculties or other wrytygs shall or noo; uppon payne that the graunters of every suche licence dispensacion or wrytyng in suche causes unwonte contrary to this acte shall make fyne at the wyll and pleasure of your Grace your heires and successours: And yf it be thought and determyned by your Grace your heires or successours or your or theire Counsell, that dispensacions faculties licences or other wrytynges in any suche cause unwonte shall passe, then the seid Archebishope or hys Commissarye, havyng licence of your Highnes your heires or successours for the same by your or theire bill assigned, shall dispence with theym accordyngly.

Editorial Information

X1Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: due O. & nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]