Appointment Of Bishops Act 1533

IV Consecration of Archbishops or Bishops, on the King’s Presentment. Proceedings and Consecration on Election by Deans and Chapters, &c.: Of Bishops. Of Archbishops.E+W

And when soo ever any suche presentment or nomynacion shalbe made by the Kynges Highnes hys heires or successours by vertue and auctoritie of this acte and accordyng to the tenour of the same, that then every Archebisshope and Bishoppe to whos handes any suche presentment and nomynacion shalbe directed, shall with all spede and seleritie investe and consecrate the person nominate and presentid by the Kynges Highnes his heires or successours to the office and dignitie that suche person shalbe soo presented unto, and geve and use to hympall and all other benediccions ceremonyes and thynges requysite for the same, without suing procuryng or optaynyng hereafter any bulles or other thynges at the See of Rome for any suche office or dignitie in any behalf. And yf the seid Deane and Chapyter or Pryor and Convent after suche licence and letters myssyves to theym directed, within the seid xij dayes do electe and chose the seid person mentioned in the seid lettres myssyves, accordyng to the requeste of the Kynges Highnes hys heires or successours therof to be made by the seid letters myssyves in that behalf, then theire eleccion shall stonde good and effectuall to all intentes; and that the person soo elected after certificacion made of the same eleccion under the commen and Covent seale of the electours to the Kynges Highnes hys heires or successours, shalbe reputed and taken by the name of Lorde elected of the seid Dignitie and office that he shalbe electid unto; And then makyng suche othe and fealtie only to the Kynges Majestie hys heires and successours as shalbe appoynted for the same, the Kynges Hyghnes by hys letters patentes under hys greate seale shall signyfie the seid eleccion yf it be to the dignytie of a Byshope to the Archebishope and metropolitane of the provynce where the see of the seid Byshopriche was voyde, yf the See of the seid Archebishope be full and not voyde; and yf it be voyde, than to any other Archebyshope within this Realme or in any other the Kynges Domynyons, requyring and commaundyng suche Archabishope to whome any suche significacion shalbe made, [X1to confirme the seid eleccion and] to invest and consecrate the seid persone so electid to the office and Dignitie that he is elected unto, and to geve and use to hym all suche benediccions ceremonyes and other thyngs requysite for the same without any suyng procuryng or opteynyng any bulles letters or other thynges frome the See of Rome for the same in any behalf: And yf the person be elected to the office and dignitie of an Archebishope accordyng to the tenour of this acte, then after suche eleccion certified to the Kynges Highnes in forme aforseid, the same person soo elected to the office and dignitie of an Archebishope shalbe reputed and taken Lorde electe of the seid office and dignitie of Archebishope wherunto he shalbe so elected; and then after he hath made such othe and feautie only to the Kynges Majestie hys heires and successours as shalbe lymytted for the same, the Kynges Highnes by hys letters patentes under hys greate seale shall signifie the seid eleccion to one Archebishope and ij other Bisshoppes or els to iiij Bishoppes within this Realme or within any other the Kynges Domynyons to be assigned by the Kynges Highnes his heires or successours, requyryng and commaundyng the seid Archebishope and Bysshoppes with all spede and seleritie [X1to confirme the seid eleccion and] to investe and consecrate the seid person soo elected to the office and dignitie that he is elected unto, and to geve and use to hym suche palle benediccions ceremonyes and all other thynges requysite for the same without suing procuryng or opteynyng any bulles breves or other thynges at the seid See of Rome or by the auctorytie therof in any behalf.

Editorial Information

X1Interlined in the Original Act.