The Act 11 Hen. 7 1495
1495 CHAPTER 1 11 Hen 7
An Acte that noe person going wth the Kinge to the Warres shalbe attaynt of treason.X1
Editorial Information
X1Abbreviations or contractions in the original form of this Act have been expanded into modern lettering in the text set out below
[I.] Persons serving the King for the Time being, in War, shall not be attainted of Treason, &c.E+W
The King oure Sovereign Lord calling to his remembraunce the duetie of alliegeaunce of his subgettis of this his Realme, and that they by reason of the same are bounden to serve ther Prince and Sovereign Lord for the tyme beyng in his Werres for the defence of hym and the lande ageynst every rebellion power and myght reared ayenst hym, and with hym to entre and abide inservyce in batell if the case so requyre; And that for the same service what fortune ever fall by chaunce in the same bataile ayenst the mynde and weell of the Prince, as in this lande somtyme passed hath been seen, That it is not resonable but ayenst all lawes reason and gode conscience that the seid subgettis going with their sovereign Lord in Werres attending upon hym in his persone or being in other places by his commaundement within this land or without, any thing shuld loose or forfeite for doyng their true dutie and service of alliegeaunce: from hensfourth no maner of persone ne persones whatsoever he or they be, that attend upon the King and Sovereign Lord of this lande for the tyme being in his persone and do him true and feithfull service of alliegeaunce in the same, or be in other places by his commaundement, in his Werres within this lande or without, that for the same dede and true [X2service] of alliegeaunce he or they be in no wise convycte or atteynt of high treason ne of other offences for that cause by acte of Parliament or otherwise by any processe of lawe, wherby he or any of theym shall [X3mowe] forfeit life landes tenementes rentis possessions hereditamentis godes catelles or eny other thingis, but to be for that dede and service utterly discharged of any vexacion trouble or losse; And if any acte or actis or other processe of the lawe hereafter therupon for the same happen to be made contary to this ordynaunce, that then that acte or actes or other processes of the lawe whatsoever they shall be, stande and be utterly voide.
Editorial Information
X2Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: Dutie Old Printed Copies.
X3Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: [or may] Modern Printed Copies read lose or
II Proviso.E+W
Provided alwey that no persone ne persones shall take any benefite or avauntage by this acte which shall hereafter declyne from his or their seid alliegeaunce.