

SCHEDULE 3Control and eradication of TSE in bovine animals

Compensation based on average market price

10.—(1) Subject to paragraph 11, the compensation payable for any domestic cattle is the average market price for the category into which the animal falls at the date of the service of the notice of intention to kill as identified in the table at sub-paragraph (6) and—

(a)in the case of non-pedigree animals, it is calculated each month from sale price data of animals in that category in respect of sales occurring during the period ending on the 20th day of the preceding month and starting on the 21st day of the month before that;

(b)in the case of pedigree animals, it is calculated each month from sale price data of animals in that category in respect of sales occurring over a six month rolling period covering the six months ending on the 20th day of the preceding month and starting on the 21st day of the month falling six months before that.

(2) To be eligible for compensation an animal must be identified by means of ear tags and there must be presented, at or before the time of slaughter, to the Welsh Ministers or an agent acting on their behalf, a cattle passport in respect of that animal.

(3) The sale price data are data compiled in relation to domestic cattle from store markets, prime markets, rearing calf sales, breeding sales and dispersal sales in Great Britain.

(4) The average market price for a category for which sale price data have been collected is the amount obtained by dividing the sum of those sale prices by the total number of animals in that category.

(5) An animal is a pedigree for the purposes of this paragraph if at the time when the notice of intention to kill has been served—

(a)it is entire; and

(b)the animal at the time when the regulation 16(3)(d) notice is served is a purebred breeding animal which is entered or registered and eligible for entry in the main section of a breeding book, and for which a pedigree certificate has been issued by a breed society that has been recognised by the Welsh Ministers under Article 4 or Article 64(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on zootechnical and genealogical conditions for the breeding, trade in and entry into the Union of purebred breeding animals(1).

(6) The Welsh Ministers must categorise animals in accordance with the following table, and for the purposes of determining which category the animal falls into, the age of the animal is the age, as shown by its cattle passport, at the date on which the notice of intention to kill was served—


Beef Sector — non-pedigree animalBeef Sector — non-pedigree animal
Up to and including 3 monthsUp to and including 3 months
Over 3 months up to and including 6 monthsOver 3 months up to and including 6 months
Over 6 months up to and including 9 monthsOver 6 months up to and including 9 months
Over 9 months up to and including 12 monthsOver 9 months up to and including 12 months
Over 12 months up to and including 16 monthsOver 12 months up to and including 16 months
Over 16 months up to and including 20 monthsOver 16 months up to and including 20 months
Over 20 months, breeding bullsOver 20 months, calved
Over 20 months, non-breeding bullsOver 20 months, non-calved
Dairy Sector — non-pedigree animalDairy Sector — non-pedigree animal
Up to and including 3 monthsUp to and including 3 months
Over 3 months up to and including 6 monthsOver 3 months up to and including 6 months
Over 6 months up to and including 12 monthsOver 6 months up to and including 12 months
Over 12 months up to and including 16 monthsOver 12 months up to and including 16 months
Over 16 months up to and including 20 monthsOver 16 months up to and including 20 months
Over 20 monthsOver 20 months up to and including 84 months, calved
Over 20 months up to and including 84 months, non-calved
Over 84 months
Beef Sector — pedigree animalBeef Sector — pedigree animal
Up to and including 6 monthsUp to and including 6 months
Over 6 months up to and including 12 monthsOver 6 months up to and including 12 months
Over 12 months up to and including 24 monthsOver 12 months up to and including 24 months
Over 24 monthsOver 24 months, not calved
Over 24 months up to and including 36 months, calved
Over 36 months, calved
Dairy Sector — pedigree animalDairy Sector — pedigree animal
Up to and including 2 monthsUp to and including 2 months
Over 2 months up to and including 12 monthsOver 2 months up to and including 10 months
Over 12 months up to and including 24 monthsOver 10 months up to and including 18 months
Over 24 monthsOver 18 months, not calved
Over 18 months up to and including 36 months, calved
Over 36 months up to and including 84 months, calved
Over 84 months, calved

OJ No L 171, 29.06.2016, p. 66.