

SCHEDULE 2TSE monitoring and approval of laboratories


9.—(1) If an animal slaughtered for human consumption tests positive for a TSE, the Welsh Ministers must pay to the occupier of the slaughterhouse or other place of slaughter compensation for the carcase and all parts of the body (including the blood and the hide) of—

(a)that animal; and

(b)in the case of a bovine animal which is destroyed because of that positive result, the animal immediately preceding it on the slaughter line and the two animals immediately following it unless a derogation has been granted by the Welsh Ministers under paragraph 7(6).

(2) The compensation is the market value, and if a market value cannot be agreed the valuation must be established in accordance with the procedure laid down in regulation 12(3) to (7) (reading the word “occupier” wherever “owner” is mentioned in those paragraphs), with the occupier paying any valuation fee arising.

(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (2), the market value is the price that would reasonably be expected to have been obtained for the animal from a buyer in the open market at the time of the valuation, and on the assumption that the animal was not affected by a TSE.