The Animal Health (Miscellaneous Fees) (Wales) Regulations 2018

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 3Bovine semen: Fees

Fees payable by applicants and operators under the 2008 Regulations

Column 1


Column 2

Fee (£)

Time spent by a veterinary officer carrying out the activities in this Table (in addition to each of the fees listed below)16 per quarter hour or part quarter hour spent
Time spent by a veterinary officer travelling to and from premises for the purpose of activities below21 per quarter hour or part quarter hour spent, up to a maximum of 126
Considering an application for approval of a bovine animal under regulations 7 or 10 of the 2008 Regulations for use in domestic collection centre or at unlicensed premises20
Considering an application under regulation 7 of the 2008 Regulations for approval of a bovine animal for use in an EC collection centre26
Considering an application for a licence to operate an EC quarantine centre under regulation 4 of the 2008 Regulations29
Considering an application for a licence to operate an EC or domestic collection centre, or an EC or domestic storage centre under regulation 4 of the 2008 Regulations27
Conducting an examination of a bovine semen centre under regulation 40 of the 2008 Regulations17
Conducting a routine examination of an approved bovine animal for domestic or EC use under regulation 33 of the 2008 Regulations23