
SCHEDULE 1Service Delivery Standards


22When a compliance notice requires a body to comply with one of the standards listed on a specific row in column 1 of Table 1, that compliance notice must also require that body to comply (in whatever way the Welsh Language Commissioner considers appropriate) with the standard or standards listed in column 2 of that row (or with one or more of those standards where that is stated).


Column 1Column 2
RowMain standardReliant standard
(1)Replying to correspondence
Standard 1Standard 7
(2)Corresponding with members of the same household
Standard 3Standard 6
(3)Corresponding with several persons
Standard 4

Standard 6

Standard 7

(4)General standards relating to correspondence
Standard 5

Standard 6

Standard 7

(5)Raising awareness about corresponding in Welsh
Standard 7Standard 1
(6)Receiving telephone calls
Standard 9Standard 10
(7)Receiving telephone calls
Standard 10

Standard 9

Standard 13

(8)Raising awareness about telephone services in Welsh
Standard 13

Standard 10

Standard 15 and

Standard 16

(9)Meetings with more than one person
Standard 22

One or more of the following:

Standard 22A

Standard 22B

Standard 22C

and also;

Standard 22CH

(10)Meetings with more than one person
Standard 22A, 22B, 22C or 22CHStandard 22
Standard 23Standard 23A
Standard 23AStandard 23
(13)Public meetings
Standard 26Standard 29
(14)Public meetings
Standard 29Standard 26
(15)Documents and forms
Standard 36 or 37Standard 38
Standard 39, 40 or 41Standard 42
(17)Signs and notices
Standard 47 or 48Standard 49
Standard 50

Standard 52

Standard 53

Standard 51Standard 52
(20)Raising awareness of Welsh-language services in a reception
Standard 52

One or more of the following:

Standard 50

Standard 51

Standard 55Standard 56
Standard 58Standard 59