
SCHEDULE 5Standards which deal with Supplementary Matters


7A body publicising policy making standards
Standard 169:

You must ensure that a document which records the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply, and the extent to which you are under a duty to comply with those standards, is available—


on your website, and


in each of your offices that are open to the public.

8A body publishing a complaints procedure
Standard 170:

You must—


ensure that you have a complaints procedure that deals with the following matters—


how you intend to deal with complaints relating to your compliance with the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply, and


how you will provide training for your staff in relation to dealing with those complaints,


publish a document that records that procedure on your website, and


ensure that a copy of that document is available in each of your offices that are open to the public.

9A body publishing arrangements for oversight
Standard 171:

You must—


ensure that you have arrangements for overseeing the way you comply with the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply,


publish a document that records those arrangements on your website, and


ensure that a copy of that document is available in each of your offices that are open to the public.

10A body producing an annual report regarding policy making standards
Standard 172:

(1) You must produce a report (an “annual report”), in Welsh, in relation to each financial year, which deals with the way in which you have complied with the policy making standards with which you were under a duty to comply during that year.

(2) The annual report must include the number of complaints you received during the year which related to your compliance with the policy making standards with which you were under a duty to comply.

(3) You must publish the annual report no later than 6 months following the end of the financial year to which the report relates.

(4) You must publicise the fact that you have published an annual report.

(5) You must ensure that a current copy of your annual report is available—

(a)on your website, and

(b)in each of your offices that are open to the public.

11A body publicising the way it intends to comply with policy making standards
Standard 173:You must publish a document on your website which explains how you intend to comply with the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply.
12A body providing information to the Welsh Language Commissioner
Standard 174:You must provide any information requested by the Welsh Language Commissioner which relates to compliance with the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply.