The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2017

Information to accompany decisions

28.—(1) Where an EIA application or appeal in relation to which an environmental statement has been submitted is determined by a relevant planning authority or the Welsh Ministers, as the case may be, the person making that determination must provide to the applicant or appellant the information specified in paragraph (2).

(2) The information is—

(a)information regarding the right to challenge the validity of the decision and the procedures for doing so; and

(b)if the decision is to grant planning permission or subsequent consent—

(i)the reasoned conclusion of the relevant planning authority or the Welsh Ministers, as the case may be, on the significant effects of the development on the environment, taking into account the results of the examination referred to in regulation 25(1)(a) and (b);

(ii)any conditions to which the decision is subject which relate to the likely significant environmental effects of the development on the environment;

(iii)a description of any features of the development and any measures envisaged in order to avoid, prevent or reduce and, if possible, offset likely significant adverse effects on the environment; and

(iv)any monitoring measures considered appropriate by the authority or the Welsh Ministers, as the case may be; or

(c)if the decision is to refuse planning permission or subsequent consent, the main reasons for the refusal.