The Commons Act 2006 (Correction, Non-Registration or Mistaken Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017

Procedure at inquiries

20.—(1) At the start of an inquiry, the inspector must—

(a)identify the main issues to be considered at the inquiry;

(b)identify any matters on which further explanation from any person appearing at the inquiry is required; and

(c)explain the procedure to be followed at the inquiry.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not preclude other issues from being considered at the inquiry, or (subject to the inspector’s powers under regulation 18(5)) raised by persons appearing at the inquiry.

(3) If a person giving evidence at the inquiry has provided a written statement of evidence in accordance with a direction under regulation 18(3) or 19(5), the inspector may direct that—

(a)the written statement is to be treated as the person’s evidence, or as part of the person’s evidence; and

(b)other parties at the inquiry may cross-examine the person on the written statement.