The Environmental Impact Assessment (Agriculture) (Wales) Regulations 2017

Conditions of consent

17.—(1) Consent granted in accordance with regulation 15 will be subject to—

(a)the conditions in paragraph (2); and

(b)any other conditions the Welsh Ministers consider appropriate.

(2) The conditions required by paragraph (1)(a) are—

(a)the consent lapses if the project not been commenced within 1 year of the date on which the consent was granted;

(b)the consent expires if the project is not completed within 3 years of the date on which the consent was granted; and

(c)the consent only authorises the project described in the consent application, subject to any amendments approved by the Welsh Ministers in accordance with paragraph (4).

(3) After the expiry of a consent in accordance with paragraph (2)(b), the Welsh Ministers may require a further application for consent in accordance with paragraph (5) in respect of any further operations or uses forming part of the project.

(4) The Welsh Ministers may approve any amendments to the consent at the request of an applicant, but any material change in the authorised operations or uses requires a further application for consent in accordance with paragraph (5).

(5) Further applications for consent under paragraphs (3) and (4) may be subject to any requirement of these Regulations that the Welsh Ministers consider appropriate.

(6) In this regulation, a project has been—

“commenced” (“dechrau”) when a material act has been carried out in respect of any of the works permitted by the consent; and

“completed” (“wedi ei gwblhau”) when all works permitted by the consent have been carried out and all changes in use, or the level of use, of the relevant land have been implemented.