
Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 1Application Bands and Fees

1.  The bands and the fees are as follows—

Band and description of applicationFee for determining the application
Band 1

Any application relating to:


repair or replacement of bolts, flaps, valves, decking on a pier or pontoon;


removal of marine growth and guano from any building or structure or any part thereof;


the installation of ladders at any building or structure;


the deposit and subsequent removal of posts for the purposes of marking channels, shallow water areas, outfalls and groynes;


the deposit and subsequent removal of marker buoys;


the use of a vehicle or vessel to remove discrete pieces of minor debris unattached to the seabed (including poles, girders, joists and objects of a similar minor nature) associated with construction, demolition, damage or disrepair of a building or structure;


the removal of litter using a vehicle or vessel; or


any activity of a similar minor nature.

Band 2
Any application which does not fall, or does not fall exclusively, within the descriptions in Band 1 and relates to a specified activity.£1,920
Band 3
Any application which does not fall, or does not fall exclusively, within the descriptions in Band 1 or Band 2.A fee calculated at s rate of £120 per hour

2.  In paragraph 1, subject to the exception at paragraph 3, “specified activity” (“gweithgaredd penodedig”) means any activity falling within one or more of the following—

(a)item 1 (deposits within the UK marine licensing area etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act;

(b)item 7 (construction, alteration or improvement of works etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act;

(c)item 8 (use of vehicle, vessel, aircraft, marine structure or floating container to remove substances etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act: or

(d)item 9 (to carry out any form of dredging etc.) of section 66(1) of the Act but only in so far as item 9 relates to maintenance dredging.

3.  Specified activity does not include—

(a)any activity to be carried out in the course of a project of a type specified in Annex I to Council Directive 2011/92/EU(1)on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment;

(b)any activity to be carried out in the course of a project of a type specified in Annex II to that Directive, if it is likely because of its size, nature or location to have significant effects on the environment;

(c)an activity with respect to which an environmental impact assessment is required by virtue of regulation 5 (requirement of assessment by agreement) of the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007(2);

(d)an activity that involves both items 7 and 9 described in paragraph 2(b) and (d);

(e)any activity or activities which has, or, in the case of more than one activity taken together have, an estimated cost of more than £1,000,000.

Regulation 5

SCHEDULE 2Fees Payable for Monitoring

Description of monitoringDescription of licenceFee
Discharge of licence conditions
Licensing authority approval as required by any condition within a marine licence.A licence the application for which was subject to a Band 1 or Band 2 fee under Schedule 1 of these Regulations or if granted before the date of these Regulations a licence that is of a similar nature to that which would be subject to a Band 1 or Band 2 fee under Schedule 1 to these Regulations.A fixed fee of £480 for all conditions associated with a licence.
A licence the application for which was subject to a Band 3 fee under these Regulations or if granted before the date of these Regulations a licence that is of a similar nature to that which would be subject to a Band 3 fee under these Regulations.A fee calculated at a rate of £120 per hour.
All other monitoring
Any other monitoring as provided for in section 72A(2)(a), (b) and (3) of the Act.Any licence.A fee calculated at a rate of £120 per hour.

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 3Fees Payable for Variation and Transfer of Licences

Description of circumstancesDescription of licenceFee
Category 1
Varying a licence at the request of the applicant where the name of a vessel, the registration number of a vehicle, the name or address of an agent or contractor are amended or other amendments of a similar administrative nature are made.Any licence.A fee of £240 per application.
Category 2
Varying any other provision of a licence where the licensing authority consults a person or body (including internal consultation within the licensing authority) other than the holder of the licence in order to determine whether, or how, to vary that licence.Any licence.A fee calculated at a rate of £120 per hour.
Category 3
Varying any other provision of a licence in any other circumstances.Any licence.A fee of £480.
Transferring a licence from the licensee to another person and varying it accordingly.Any licenceA fee of £480.

OJ L 26, 28.1.2012, p.1.