The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017

Information required about the applicant where the applicant is an organisation

7.  Where the organisation is a body corporate other than a local authority or Local Health Board—

(a)the name of the organisation;

(b)the address of the registered office of the organisation;

(c)if different from the address of the registered office or if there is no registered office, the address of the principal office of the organisation;

(d)the electronic mail address and telephone number of the organisation;

(e)if the organisation is a company, the company number;

(f)if the organisation is a charity, the charity number;

(g)where the organisation is a company and is a subsidiary of a holding company—

(i)the name and address of the registered office of the holding company;

(ii)the electronic mail address and telephone number of the holding company;

(iii)the company number of the holding company;

(iv)if the holding company is a charity, the charity number of the holding company;

(v)the name and address of the registered office of any other subsidiary of the holding company;

(vi)the electronic mail address and telephone number of any other subsidiary of the holding company;

(vii)the company number of any other subsidiary of the holding company;

(viii)if the subsidiary is a charity, the charity number of any subsidiary of the holding company.