
PART 6Death benefits

CHAPTER 3Pensions for eligible children

Specified proportion

98.—(1) The specified proportion is one quarter where there is one eligible child at the date of the member’s death.

(2) If there is more than one eligible child at the date of the member’s death the specified proportion is half of the pension mentioned in regulations 95 (eligible child’s pension on death of active member), 96 (eligible child’s pension payable on death of deferred member) and 97 (eligible child’s pension payable on death of pensioner member) divided by the number of eligible children so that each eligible child receives an equal share.

(3) If a person ceases to be an eligible child, that person’s pension must cease to be paid and where there is still more than one eligible child, the amount of that pension must be distributed equally between the remaining eligible children (if any).