
PART 5Retirement benefits

CHAPTER 4Ill-health benefits

Annual rate of ill-health awards

75.—(1) The annual rate of a lower tier ill-health pension and of a higher tier ill-health pension is calculated as follows.

(2) The annual rate of a lower tier ill-health pension is calculated in accordance with paragraphs (2)(a) and (2)(b) of regulation 68 (annual rate of retirement pension (active members)), but without subtracting the early payment reduction.

(3) The annual rate of a higher tier ill-health pension is calculated by multiplying the annual amount of the adjusted lower tier ill-health pension by the member’s assumed period of pensionable service and by 2%.

(4) In this regulation—

“the adjusted lower tier ill-health pension” (“y pensiwn addasedig afiechyd haen isaf”) means the lower tier ill-health pension payable under paragraph (2) calculated—


excluding an amount equal to the amount of any added pension which had been included in the calculation of the lower tier ill-health pension, and


without the deduction for any commuted portion of the pension;

“the member’s assumed period of pensionable service” (“cyfnod tybiedig gwasanaeth pensiynadwy yr aelod”) means the period expressed in years—


beginning with the day after the member’s continuous period of pensionable service ceased, and


ending with the day before the day on which the member would reach normal pension age.