The Care Leavers (Wales) Regulations 2015

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 1Matters to be dealt with in the pathway plan and review

1.  The level and nature of contact and personal support to be provided, and by whom, to the young person.

2.  A detailed plan for the young person’s education or training.

3.  How the responsible local authority will assist the young person in relation to employment or other purposeful activity or occupation.

4.  Contingency plans for action to be taken by the responsible local authority should the pathway plan for any reason cease to be effective.

5.  Details of the accommodation the young person is to occupy (including an assessment of its suitability in the light of the young person’s needs, and details of the considerations taken into account in assessing that suitability).

6.  The support to be provided to enable the young person to develop and sustain appropriate family and social relationships.

7.  A programme to develop the practical and other skills necessary for the young person to live independently.

8.  The financial support to be provided to the young person, in particular where it is to be provided to meet needs for accommodation and maintenance.

9.  The health needs, including any mental health needs, of the young person and how they are to be met.

10.  Details of the arrangements made by the responsible local authority to meet the young person’s needs in relation to identity with particular reference to their religious persuasion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background.

11.  Where the young person falls within regulation 5(4)(c), whether the young person’s needs as a result of that status are being met.

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 2Matters to be dealt with in the pathway plan and review where the young person is detained

1.  The name and address of the prison or youth detention accommodation.

2.  The level and nature of contact and personal support to be provided to the young person by the responsible local authority and by the staff of the prison or youth detention accommodation.

3.  The arrangements made by the staff of the prison or youth detention accommodation for the young person’s education and training, including the name and address of any educational or training institution the young person was attending, or any other person providing the young person with education or training, immediately before their detention.

4.  The details of how the young person’s needs will be met when the young person ceases to be detained, in particular—

(a)whether the young person will be provided with accommodation or other support by the responsible local authority, another local authority or a local authority in England, and

(b)how the responsible local authority will assist the young person in relation to—

(i)education or training, or

(ii)employment or other purposeful activity or occupation.

5.  Arrangements put in place by staff of the prison or youth detention accommodation to support the young person’s development of the practical or other skills necessary for the young person to live independently.

6.  Details of and arrangements made by staff of the prison or youth detention accommodation to meet the young person’s health needs (including any mental health needs).

7.  Arrangements made and support to be provided to enable the young person to develop and sustain appropriate family and social relationships.

8.  Details of the young person’s personal history, religious persuasion, cultural and linguistic background, racial origin and the arrangements put in place by the staff of the prison or youth detention accommodation for meeting the young person’s religious, cultural and linguistic needs.

Regulation 9

SCHEDULE 3Matters to be considered in determining the suitability of accommodation

1.  In respect of the accommodation, the—

(a)facilities and services provided,

(b)state of repair,




(f)tenancy status, and

(g)the financial commitments involved for the category 2 young person and their affordability.

2.  In respect of the category 2 young person, their—

(a)views of the accommodation,

(b)understanding of their rights and responsibilities in relation to the accommodation, and

(c)understanding of funding arrangements.